Racing through VR

A new year had started at Hanze Hogeschool and I arrived in the first block of the second year. The assignment that we got was a very interesting one, we would design a game in collaboration with a company designing serious VR games.

Chromatic Magic was my first ever VR (Gear VR) game I have worked on. Our client wanted us to make a game made for autistic children between the ages of twelve and sixteen, these children needed to exercise with their programmed home trainer for one hour a day, three times a week.

This game needed to motivate and entertain the children into exercising. Autistic children tend to dislike change and to create a new routine, thus making this problem
a hard one. The main gameplay revolves around the player generating magic (Jadu) by cycling in real life. The player can buy upgrades with the magic they generated making it easier to produce more magic and in this way progressing through the game. Based on how long the player cycles the more magic would be produced. The room where the child would be in would change accordingly to what the child bought and unlocked within the game.

Sadly this game couldn’t be fully developed due to a shortage of time. There was too much we needed to learn and add within the 8 weeks we good. However, I got a good experience with it and now know a bit more about VR technology.

Project group;

Mark Alberts:

Priyangshu Goswami:

Koen Vrieling:

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